If you ever donned any of these fashion trends I have one question for you: Do you prefer fashion victim or ensembly challenged?
Fashion trends come and go just like dust in the wind. Most of them are out of our memory before they even hit the shelves; others are so hideous they are etched in our minds forever. No matter how unattractive the trends may have been, there was a time when we were not only fond of them, we would do anything just to acquire them. It is funny how quickly we deem a once loved trend a non-wearable fashion faux-pas. How is it that we can love a style one day and find it ugly the next? The answer is simply that fashion is fickle and trends don’t obey logic. So how did these fashions don’t originate and are we doomed to repeat them? Some of our beloved trends originated out of pure luck. Take crimped hair for example, one day after wearing her braids for a few days a young girl took them out and voila crimped hair was born. Other trends are descendants of actual, useful accessories. Take for example the fanny pack; it was most likely a far descendant of the tool belt. So how did other trends like the velour track suit become the cat’s pajamas? Keep reading and I will tell you.
Trend # 1: The Scrunchi
The only thing this fashion mistake has going for it is that it actually serves a purpose. A lady by the name of Jane Reid created a similar product called the “Bunch Bundle” which was designed to be worn as a stretchy bracelet. Rommy Revson got the idea for the Scruchi from the “Bunch Bundle” and he patented the “Scrunchi” in 1987.
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Trend # 2: Overalls
AKA Bib-and-Brace Overalls or Dungarees are used to protect your clothing while working. The Overall originated in 1792 when it was known as the overall trouser worn outside of normal trousers for protection. During 1891 through 1916 the one piece overall was selling in both cotton and linen fabrics. In 1916 women who were working in London factories during WWI would wear overalls. They were also worn by mechanics in the 20th century. Communist soldiers used overalls as their uniform during the Spanish Civil War. It wasn’t until 1930 that the Overall was sold as children’s clothing. It began to take many forms and fabrics, including its run as high quality ski wear in the 1960’s. The overall laid low for a while until it made its comeback in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Recently it has reared its ugly head again in the fashion industry; let’s hope it is short lived.
Trend # 3: Harem Pants
These fashion gems were also known as Hammer Pants in the late 80’s and early 90’s. They are baggy long pants tapered at the ankle with side flaps on the hip that button at the waist. Think skirt meets skinny jeans. These pants originated in the Arabian Peninsula and were worn by the Arabian women to cover their bodies and offer protection from the heat. These pants made a comeback in 2012 when they were seen on both Justin Bieber and Psy. Let’s hope this comeback is short lived.
Trend # 4: Crocs
Crocs were invented by Michael Hagos, Lyndon “Duke” Hanson, and George Boedecker Jr. The Croc was developed as a spa shoe. The first model was called “The Beach” and was shown at a boat show in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. All 200 pairs sold out in one day at the show. Crocs grew in popularity after the show and became the title sponsor of the volleyball professionals Tour (AVP) from 2006 to 2009. While sales are up the fashion world hasn’t exactly accepted this ugly footwear. Tim Gunn has said of the Croc, “It looks like a plastic hoof.” There is also a website called Ihatecrocs.com and a Facebook page called “I don’t care how comfortable crocs are, you look like a dumbass.”
Trend # 5: The Mullet
The mullet has been around since the dawn of time:
The Sphinx although eroded over time wears one of the earliest examples of the mullet; he has short hair in the front, no sideburns, and long flowing hair in the back.
Mullets were once a popular hairstyle for the Romans but they became banned from the Roman army as enemies found it easy to grab the Romans long hair in order to pull their heads back to slit his throats. This tradition of short hair still exists in most armies today although it is more for appearance now, after all no enemy would take an army of mullets very seriously would they!
The mullet became very popular in the late 18th, early 19th century.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a poet born in 1772 and died in 1834; he was one of the first men to sport this do. Samuel is the man who coined the word “aesthetic”; let’s hope he wasn’t referring to his hairstyle.
Horatio Gates was an American General born in 1727 and died in 1806. Horatio is the man who brought the mullet from Europe into the United States.
The 1980s were perhaps the biggest decade to sport the mullet for fashion; after all it wasn’t until the 1980s when the full horror of the mullet was unleashed upon to a largely unsuspecting world. The mullet was popular in the 1960’s and 1970’s but not as popular as it was in the 1980’s. From 1980 into early 1990 every football player, pop star, actor, etc. was sporting this fashion craze. Mullets were sported by rock stars Rod Stewart, David Bowie and Paul McCartney to name a few. Country Music singers Billy Ray Cyrus, Travis Tritt, and Joe Diffie were also known for their mullets. Indie rock duo Tegan and Sara sported mullets during their The Con album era. The mullet was also the central theme of the cult classic “Joe Dirt”. Even comic book characters caught onto this trend. Superman was depicted with a mullet from issue 505 (1993) to 544 (1997) of Adventures of Superman comic and this look was released in action figure form by Mattel in 2009.
The mullet finally disappeared from the United States mainstream in the mid 1990’s but it held on in other parts of the world. It is very popular in some European countries such as Germany. The UK is also home to many a mullet sighting. It is amazing to me that people are still growing mullets with the misconception that they actually look good. The modern mullet still thrives in some areas of the US as well. It has become a staple for the redneck community.
I think the Islamic Government has the right idea as far as hairstyles are concerned. In July 2010, the Islamic government of Iran issued updated grooming guidelines to men. Among the new regulations is a ban of the mullet hairstyle. I only wish the United States would adopt this ban, but then again if they did who we would be able to make fun of.
Trend # 6: The Trucker Hat
Trucker hats for men have been mainstream fashion now since the early 2000’s and they’re still going strong with the trend showing no signs of running out of steam just yet, but where did the trucker cap come from and how did it end up becoming a wardrobe essential of so many young urbanites?
The trucker hat originated from local animal feed stores, farming supply companies, and tractor companies in rural America. The hat was used as a promotional give away to farmers, truck drivers, and other rural workers. The original feed caps bore company logos on the front foam section of the cap, either printed or as a patch sewn on. These companies typically had a rural clientele. For example, John Deere trucker caps – the mesh hats were seen an ideal way of promoting their services throughout the rural communities which they served. The trucker hat was actually a pretty good giveaway: functional, practical and inexpensive. The United States rural workers used the hat as their “uniform”. The combination of the stiff, long peak with the comfortable foam front and the breathable mesh back meant that the cap not only protected the wearer from the sun but it readily absorbed sweat too.
In the early 2000’s when urban youth began wearing the trucker hat it became a hot trend. Stars like the Pharrell Williams, Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake have made this fashion accessory a household name. Timberlake had been wearing them since the age of seventeen. Justin Bieber is the latest celeb to jump on the bandwagon with his ridiculous extra high, bright yellow, studded head gear.
The trucker hat trend was lampooned in the King of the Hill episode "Grand Theft Arlen", in which teenagers confuse Hank Hill by asking where he bought his Strickland Propane cap and questioning its irony. Whether you like it or not the trucker cap trend shows no signs of going away. If you stick to a simple design with one or two solid colors you’ll find that you can still rock a mesh cap with style. The humble mesh trucker hat: from rural promotional item to urban hero helping bad hair days everywhere.
Trend #7: Fancy Track Suits
Adidas warm ups are still considered classic, but the early 2000s was all about Juicy Couture. Some ladies preferred terry cloth, many were velour-loyalists, and others liked words written across their butts. Many a celebrity such as Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, and Lindsay Lohan were and still are enthusiasts for this trend. I don’t mind a nice solid colored pair of sweats with a matching hoodie, in fact I actually like them, but when you start adding butt lingo and fuzzy fabric it becomes a little too trashy for my taste.
Trend #8: Ed Hardy
With fans like Jon Gosselin and the cast of "Jersey Shore" Ed Hardy gear acts sort of like radar telling you who to avoid at all costs. This is a trend I've simply not been able to understand. I just didn't get the mass appeal. The aesthetic just doesn’t appeal to me and I honestly got sick of seeing it everywhere. Ed Hardy was created by Don Ed Hardy in the early 2000’s. The idea came from his love of art and passion for tattoos. He's basically a very hardworking man from the hippie generation who pursued what he loved his entire life and finally had it pay off in unexpected and big ways. I am sure he marvels at the fact that his designs are now on t-shirts and perfume bottles. I can appreciate the idea of Ed Hardy's designs but I am not a big fan and will be happy to be see less and less of this style in the future.
Trend #9: Flannel or Better Known as “The Grunge Look”
Messy hair and sloppy clothes have been around for centuries. But they didn’t become a fashion trend until the Seattle grunge scene took over the airwaves. Bands like Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden made grunge a household name. Almost every teenager in the 90’s embraced the flannel shirts, dingy-colored clothes, and unkempt hair. I think the worst part of this trend was the way guys would tie there flannels around their waists. This is something a young lady does when she unexpectedly starts her period, or is trying to hide those few extra pounds she has added to her rear end over the summer. So how the heck did this become an acceptable form of dress for stylish men? The only saving grace that might come out of this fashion disaster is flannel. Flannel is great during the winter and to be honest I actually like flannel tops, but only when they are fitted, clean, and worn with a pair of clean, hole less, fitted jeans.
Trend #10: Gladiator Sandals
Subtle straps are fine, but a few years ago Gladiator sandals were on steroids. This style is not sexy or cute and I can’t imagine the tragic tan lines and blisters these sandals leave behind. There is nothing good about them, not the straps, not the gratuitous shin and calf coverage, and certainly not the open toes. If the thought of buying a pair ever creeps into your cerebral cortex just remember, gladiator sandals are for gladiators. If you do decide to done a pair in the future just be sure you pair them with a floor length dress because that is the only way you won’t look like you were just nabbed by the fashion police.
There you have it, my choice for the 10 worst fashion trends in recent history. Did I leave any horrific trends out? Every season there is usually a questionably of a current fashion item that happens to be en vogue, a rouge trend that sits teetering on a tightrope line of is it hot or is it a flop? You tell me, what items would make your top ten worst fashion trends list?
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May 30, 2014
May 26, 2014
Sorry Landon.... Not good enough. Sorry America..... Nobody cares.
Finally World Cup Soccer!! Every 4 years I get to bring up my soccer blog to prove to my fellow Americans that we have never cared nor will we in the foreseeable future. I love how every 4 years the pundits at most major sports media outlets try ramming this "beautiful" sport down our throats to no avail. Now with this controversial call or leaving Landon Donovan off the representing U.S. team has really ruffled some feathers. If any real U.S. Soccer fans actually had some of their frontal lobe they'd realize that Klinsman is finally ditching the old guard and finally starting fresh with a new direction. Donovan is one of the last of the old guard we need to get rid of; it didn't work then, and it definitely won't work in the future. The fact writers are going bananas about him being cut clearly explains the U.S.'s lack of real soccer vision, and the resulting disappointment felt by the few real American soccer fans out there. I mean people had to know something was up when the United States began calling the international name of football, soccer. Who's ever changed the name of sport before?!??! That's an asinine move from the beginning of US soccer. Hahahahaha
Oh and watch all the 5 foot 7 inch / 140 pound Nick's, Ethan's, and Spencer's come out of the woodwork to defend soccer and this glorious world wide sport. Ya that's right guys it is world wide, just not in the U.S (the biggest stage in the world!). Just be happy that your local high school had a varsity team so at 5 foot 7 you had a chance to questionably earn that letter on your jacket.
Ironically, I'm still playing devils advocate seeing how I personally love soccer and played it much of childhood growing up. Both club and high school when I matures into my teenage years. So I can tell you with certainty that until we have players on the level of Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi, Americans spectators won't give two shits! We are an elitist bunch, and representing our country with 2nd class players doesn't speak highly of our character. Look around the level of sophistication in every other sport we offer in this great country that is shared with international interest. The pitch isn't green enough for our pastures!
May 7, 2014
Travel Tuesday: Secrets of the Serengeti

The Serengeti is known to be the best wildlife sanctuary in the entire world. This is largely in part because of the two million wildebeest, half a million Thomson's gazelle, and a quarter of a million zebra. The Serengeti is home to the greatest concentration of plains game in all of Africa. This can be seen during one of the most spectacular events at the Serengeti, the annual Serengeti migration. Every December the wildebeest migration begins in the ngorongoro area of the southern Serengeti of Tanzania. This area is known for its rich grasslands which fuel the animals on their journey. 750,000 zebra that precede 1.2 million wildebeest and hundreds of thousands of other plains game participate in the migration. Some 250,000 wildebeest die during the journey from Tanzania to the Maasai Mara reserve which is located in lower Kenya. The wildebeest succumb to the elements such as thirst, hunger, exhaustion, and predation during the 500 mile trek.
There are herds of antelope, eland, lesser kudu, roan antelope, orbi, grants gazelle, steenback, topi, oryx, and buffalo in the grasslands. In the woodlands, grimmia, impala, and kirks dikdik make their home. Reedbuck and waterbuck live in the swamps. The granite kopjes are filled with klipspringer, giraffe, and olive baboons. Leopards, cheeta, caracal, African elephants, black rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and giraffe are the largest mammals that inhabit the Serengeti. There are also many species of bats, bushbaby, pastas monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, aardvarks, golden cats, serval, cape hares, porcupine, 3 species of hyrax, bat eared fox, 2 species of otters, ratels, zorillas, common gents, African civets, 7 species of mongoose, African wildcats, and bush pigs.
There are many reptiles as well and they include the Nile crocodile, Nile monitor lizard, African rock Python, blackened spitting cobra, and puff adders. There are over 500 species of birds including 34 raptors, 6 vultures, and aggregations of over 20,000 water birds, ostrich, marabou stork, lesser flamingo, African fish eagles, lesser falcons, secretary birds, helmeted guineafowl, crowned cranes, korai bustards, black winged pratincole, black winged plover, black terns, fishers love birds, purpuratus, southern ground hornbills, grey crested helmet shrikes, karamoja a pails, red throated tit, and rofous tailed weavers.
The Serengeti has been a protected area since 1951. In 1929, 228,600 acres of central Serengeti was declared a game reserve. The Serengeti earned national park status in 951 with extensive boundary modifications in 1959 and was accepted as a part of the world heritage site in 1981. The Serengeti is a stunning national park with renowned grasslands, plains in the southeast, hilly and rocky terrain in the northern part, and rivers, valleys, and forests to the west. The scenery is picturesque and unmatched to any other worldly location, making it an untamed wilderness of wonder.
May 6, 2014
The Mercury is Rising: How To Dress For the Heat
The snow is finally melting after a dreadfully long winter. So dreadful in fact that those of you on the east coast were probably beginning to wonder if you would ever see the sun again, but alas the dog days of summer are upon us. It’s time to say farewell to your North Face collection and welcome back those cute flirty frocks and bold bikinis that make summer fashion sizzle in the sun.
Creating a new summer wardrobe is easy; all you have to do is increase your current one by adding a few key items. Soon you will be looking stylish and staying cool no matter what the occasion. Let’s start with the basics. The next time you are out shopping for your summer wardrobe, keep the next nine things in mind. First, dress light. There are some fabrics that can increase your body temperature, causing you to sweat more than usual. No one wants that so stick to light fabrics. When choosing fabric, go for clothing with natural fibers. They allow air to circulate which lets your skin breathe in the heat. Choose fabrics in light colors as they absorb less sun than darker colors. Second, keep it loose. This does not mean your clothes should be hanging on you it just means to avoid skin tight anything. As a rule of thumb you should be able to make out your silhouette. Keeping your clothing loose will allow your skin to breath and cool off instead of overheating. Choose a loose fitting, lightweight, flowing, flirty frock which can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. If the occasion is casual pair your sundress with some cute flats. If it’s a fancier affair then choose a pair of stylish wedges. Third, choose colors that easily mesh with other colors currently in your wardrobe. This will be helpful when fall comes and you need to add a few layers to your summer look. Fourth, carry a hair clip in your purse at all times. That way you can pull up your hair at a moment’s notice and your hair won’t stick to the nape of your neck, making you even warmer than you already are. Fifth, less is not more in this case. I know when the temperature can fry an egg on the asphalt you feel the need to wear as little as possible, but just remember you can stay covered and keep cool and at the same time look stylish and chic. I think Mark Twain said it best, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have no influence on society.” Sixth, always wear shades to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. Sunglasses also prevent squinting which can lead to wrinkles and we don’t need any more wrinkles in addition to the ones aging already provides. Seventh, always wear sunscreen. Eighth, don’t pack up those light weight winter scarves just yet. They can be moved from your neck in the winter to your head in the summer. Ninth, don’t overload on the accessories. Less is more in this case. Some great summer accessories are beach totes, straw hats, and waste belts. Try matching all three items with the same color. This is an easy way to look stylish and summery with little effort. The best accessory you can wear with any summer outfit is body confidence, never leave home without it.
There are many different occasions you will need to dress cool for this summer. Below, I have listed a few examples of what to wear for each occasion.
1: Work
The most important thing to remember here is that linen is a lifesaver. Just be sure it has a little stretch so it will keep its shape. Remember to stick with light layers at work. Light colors are cooler than dark, but try not to look too beachy at work. Light colors show wrinkles more than dark. Try wearing a lightweight tailored blazer thrown over a sundress with a cute pair of kitten heels. You can also try wearing a tissue tee over tailored shorts, both in solid colors. Top this look with a white blazer and some cute pumps in the same color as your tissue tee.
#2: Casual
Choose loose cotton dresses with sandals, boxy tops, tissue tees, and loose shorts. For something different try wearing a vintage tired maxi skirt, which can be found in most thrift shops or online.
#3: Beach
The key thing to remember here is that beach ware doesn’t just consist of a bikini and flip-flops. Wearing a salsa and beer stained string bikini while partying like a rock star at your friend’s beach BBQ only seems like a good idea at the time. Tan lines, a hangover, and a beer belly are not. Make smart choices this summer. Instead of flaunting a barely there bikini all by it’s lonesome, try wearing your swimsuit as a base under your clothes so you’ll be ready to hop in the water at a moment’s notice but until then you’ll look amazing. Try topping your suit with a cute and sexy sun dress which is easy to step out of. You can also wear a cute pair of shorts, just avoid denim as it is too heavy when wet. Pair the shorts with a tank or a tissue tee. You could also choose to cover up with a maxi sundress, belted with a cute waist belt that matches your sandals.
#4: Date Night
What you wear on a date largely depends on what you will be doing or where you will be going. That being said if your date is on the casual side, like going to the movies, then take advice from #2 in this blog post. If you are going to a fancy restaurant or attending a play and you plan to dress up for the occasion, then I have a few ideas for you. Wear a snug, belted summer dress with either heels or a pair of fancy flats. If you go with the heels, choose a pair with peep-toes which help your feet stay cool by allowing air to circulate inside your shoes. If you wear flats choose a solid color that is a few shades brighter or darker than your dress and make your belt the same color as your shoes. Be sure to take a cardigan or a pashmina to throw over your shoulders if you become chilled at any point during your date. Top off this look with a pair of pearl or diamond stud earrings with a matching pearl or diamond bracelet. Keep your jewelry at a minimum. Instead of wearing a lot, choose just one statement piece like a chunky necklace. Style your hair in a sleek high pony tail or bun because you will appreciate having your hair off the nape of your neck when it’s sweltering outside.
Now that you have a starting point for creating your summer clothing collection the hard part is done. Now go out and bronze up that 6 month winter complexion.
Creating a new summer wardrobe is easy; all you have to do is increase your current one by adding a few key items. Soon you will be looking stylish and staying cool no matter what the occasion. Let’s start with the basics. The next time you are out shopping for your summer wardrobe, keep the next nine things in mind. First, dress light. There are some fabrics that can increase your body temperature, causing you to sweat more than usual. No one wants that so stick to light fabrics. When choosing fabric, go for clothing with natural fibers. They allow air to circulate which lets your skin breathe in the heat. Choose fabrics in light colors as they absorb less sun than darker colors. Second, keep it loose. This does not mean your clothes should be hanging on you it just means to avoid skin tight anything. As a rule of thumb you should be able to make out your silhouette. Keeping your clothing loose will allow your skin to breath and cool off instead of overheating. Choose a loose fitting, lightweight, flowing, flirty frock which can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. If the occasion is casual pair your sundress with some cute flats. If it’s a fancier affair then choose a pair of stylish wedges. Third, choose colors that easily mesh with other colors currently in your wardrobe. This will be helpful when fall comes and you need to add a few layers to your summer look. Fourth, carry a hair clip in your purse at all times. That way you can pull up your hair at a moment’s notice and your hair won’t stick to the nape of your neck, making you even warmer than you already are. Fifth, less is not more in this case. I know when the temperature can fry an egg on the asphalt you feel the need to wear as little as possible, but just remember you can stay covered and keep cool and at the same time look stylish and chic. I think Mark Twain said it best, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have no influence on society.” Sixth, always wear shades to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. Sunglasses also prevent squinting which can lead to wrinkles and we don’t need any more wrinkles in addition to the ones aging already provides. Seventh, always wear sunscreen. Eighth, don’t pack up those light weight winter scarves just yet. They can be moved from your neck in the winter to your head in the summer. Ninth, don’t overload on the accessories. Less is more in this case. Some great summer accessories are beach totes, straw hats, and waste belts. Try matching all three items with the same color. This is an easy way to look stylish and summery with little effort. The best accessory you can wear with any summer outfit is body confidence, never leave home without it.
There are many different occasions you will need to dress cool for this summer. Below, I have listed a few examples of what to wear for each occasion.
1: Work
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Picture Credit: Google Images |
The most important thing to remember here is that linen is a lifesaver. Just be sure it has a little stretch so it will keep its shape. Remember to stick with light layers at work. Light colors are cooler than dark, but try not to look too beachy at work. Light colors show wrinkles more than dark. Try wearing a lightweight tailored blazer thrown over a sundress with a cute pair of kitten heels. You can also try wearing a tissue tee over tailored shorts, both in solid colors. Top this look with a white blazer and some cute pumps in the same color as your tissue tee.
#2: Casual
Choose loose cotton dresses with sandals, boxy tops, tissue tees, and loose shorts. For something different try wearing a vintage tired maxi skirt, which can be found in most thrift shops or online.
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Picture Credit: Google Images |
#3: Beach
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Picture Credit: Google Images |
The key thing to remember here is that beach ware doesn’t just consist of a bikini and flip-flops. Wearing a salsa and beer stained string bikini while partying like a rock star at your friend’s beach BBQ only seems like a good idea at the time. Tan lines, a hangover, and a beer belly are not. Make smart choices this summer. Instead of flaunting a barely there bikini all by it’s lonesome, try wearing your swimsuit as a base under your clothes so you’ll be ready to hop in the water at a moment’s notice but until then you’ll look amazing. Try topping your suit with a cute and sexy sun dress which is easy to step out of. You can also wear a cute pair of shorts, just avoid denim as it is too heavy when wet. Pair the shorts with a tank or a tissue tee. You could also choose to cover up with a maxi sundress, belted with a cute waist belt that matches your sandals.
#4: Date Night
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Picture Credit: Google Images |
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Picture Credit: Google Images |
What you wear on a date largely depends on what you will be doing or where you will be going. That being said if your date is on the casual side, like going to the movies, then take advice from #2 in this blog post. If you are going to a fancy restaurant or attending a play and you plan to dress up for the occasion, then I have a few ideas for you. Wear a snug, belted summer dress with either heels or a pair of fancy flats. If you go with the heels, choose a pair with peep-toes which help your feet stay cool by allowing air to circulate inside your shoes. If you wear flats choose a solid color that is a few shades brighter or darker than your dress and make your belt the same color as your shoes. Be sure to take a cardigan or a pashmina to throw over your shoulders if you become chilled at any point during your date. Top off this look with a pair of pearl or diamond stud earrings with a matching pearl or diamond bracelet. Keep your jewelry at a minimum. Instead of wearing a lot, choose just one statement piece like a chunky necklace. Style your hair in a sleek high pony tail or bun because you will appreciate having your hair off the nape of your neck when it’s sweltering outside.
Now that you have a starting point for creating your summer clothing collection the hard part is done. Now go out and bronze up that 6 month winter complexion.
May 5, 2014
A Short History of Cinco de Mayo
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On May 5th year after year we celebrate by attending parties filled with sombreros, Mexican cuisine, and salsa music. These yearly celebrations are in honor of Cinco de Mayo which literally translates to the 5th day in May. If you didn't already know, Cinco de Mayo is a bigger deal in the United States than in Mexico. Here, this unofficial holiday is almost as popular as, oh, St. Patrick's Day -- which means it's unfortunately become a drinking holiday. So much so that it's been nicknamed, Cinco de Drinko and even Gringo de Mayo.
So why do we celebrate? On this day in 1862 the battle of Puebla took place. At the time of the battle, Mexico was in debt to the French government so the French decided to send over a large army to collect the debts. The French were better prepared for battle than the Mexicans because they had superior training and they were also twice the size. This didn’t deter the Mexicans from fighting their hearts out, which they did, causing them the win over the French at the Battle of Puebla. The city was renamed Puebla de Zaragoza in honor of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín who led the Mexican troops to victory in the famous battle. A young officer named Porfirio Diaz distinguished himself during the Battle of Puebla. Diaz subsequently rose rapidly through the ranks as an officer and then as a politician. In 1876, he reached the presidency and did not leave until the Mexican Revolution kicked him out in 1911 - a rule of 35 years. Diaz remains one of the most important presidents in the history of Mexico, and he got his start on the original Cinco de Mayo.
Below are few more fun facts about Cinco de Mayo:
• It is NOT Mexico’s Independence Day:
That's a common misconception. Mexico celebrates its independence day on September 16, the date in 1810 Father Miguel Hidalgo issued his "Grito de Dolores," or famous call to arms to overthrow the Spanish.
• It’s not such a big deal in Mexico:
In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is not nearly as important a holiday as Independence Day, September 16. Mexicans observe and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with family gatherings, fireworks, feasts and more: the best place to go for the festivities is the city of Puebla, where the famous battle took place. Cinco de Mayo celebrations are very important for Mexicans living outside of Mexico, particularly in the United States.
• It wasn't the first time France had invaded Mexico
Back in 1838-1839, Mexico and France had fought what was known as "The Pastry War." During this conflict, France invaded and occupied the city of Veracruz. Like the later French invasion, the Pastry War was about France wanting to collect on certain debts.
• The world’s largest Cinco de Mayo party takes place in Los Angeles, CA.
• According to the California Avocado Commission, Americans consume up to 81 million avocados during the holiday.
• In Puebla, revelers typically wear Western costumes to celebrate the holiday.
• Tequila is derived from the agave plant - today the popular liquor is brewed from the blue agave native to the Jalisco region of Mexico.
• Mexico’s Independence Day is September 16th. They had already declared their independence from Spain more than 50 years before they battled the French.
• Cinco de Mayo is just one of the approximately 365 festivals celebrated by people of Mexican descent.
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