July 24, 2014

How to Save a Phone: Tips and Tricks to use Pre and Post Water Damage

Photo Credit: Google Images
  Did your smart phone take a dip in the pool this summer or maybe it went body surfing in the pacific? We have all been there, where we forget about the phone in our pocket and it ends up at the bottom of a pool of water. With so many tips and tricks on recovering your phone after water damage it’s hard to know which one(s) to use. Here are some tried and true tips that may just save your precious phone and prevent you from having to shell out for a new one.

The obvious tip is to fish it out of the water as soon as possible, the quicker you are, the better chance you have at reducing the damage. The survival rate for water damaged phones really depends upon how long the phone was submerged. Your phone may not be too damaged if you take it out of the water right away. A longer period of immersion, such as being in the washing machine cycle, is more cause for concern. It is still worth trying the following steps to attempt saving the phone, before giving up.

Post Water Damage

How to Save Your Phone after Water Damage

1. After removing the phone from water, quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths to lay the phone on. Next, remove the battery, however if you have a handset where the battery cannot be removed, then you’ll just have to switch the phone off. This is one of the most important steps to saving it. Many circuits inside the phone will survive immersion in water provided they are not attached to a power source (battery) when wet.

2. The next step is to remove the SIM card. SIM cards survive water damage well, but getting it out immediately makes good sense. Pat it dry and set it aside to dry out until you reconnect your phone to your cell network again. (If your phone does not have a SIM card, skip this step). Side Note: Verizon and Sprint are the only US carriers that does not use SIM cards.

3. After you have removed the battery (or turned the phone off) and removed the SIM card you will need to remove all other peripherals such as ear buds, or any phone cases or protective covers. Remove all plugs that cover the gaps, slots, and crevices in the phone to expose them to air drying.

4. Dry your phone with a soft rag or towel. If there is even one drop of water left inside, it can cause the circuits to corrode or short out. Gently wipe off as much water as possible without dropping the phone. Try not to shake the phone or move too fast so as not to move the water around the inside of the phone.

5. If you pulled the battery out in time, cleaning the inside of your phone with rubbing alcohol will displace the water which alone could remedy the problem.

6. If your phone is still damp there is another option to remove all the residual moisture.  Suck the liquid out of the inner parts of the phone with a vacuum cleaner held over the affected areas for up to 20 minutes in each area. It is important to note that you should keep the phone a few inches away from the vacuum cleaner, as a vacuum can create static electricity, which is even worse for the phone than water.

7. For best results in minimizing water damage give your phone as much time to air dry as possible.  The probability of a fully functional phone post water damage is directly porportional to the amount of time you allow your phone to dry.
Even if you are a person who rarely experiences a calamity of this magnitude, always remember that water and portable electronics aren't the best of friends. In fact you may characterize it as Kanye West vs. the world. Get my drift?

Pre Water Damage

How to Prevent Your Phone From Water Damage

1. Never bring it with you to the bathroom but if you must keep a tight grip.

2. Place your cell phone in a waterproof case when participating in water-related activities.  If you are having difficulties locating such a case you can use a ziplock bag as a temporary protective membrane similarily to a condom, this will protect against harmful fluids.

3. Before you dive in for a swim, remove your phone from areas where puddles form or where water leaks.
Rule of thumb: Never swim or bathe with your electronic devices.

5. Gear options and accessories for your phone, such as skins and waterproof cases, are available both in shops and online. If you need to multitask and do things that expose your cell phone to the elements, then these will provide additional protection.  Check out Otterbox.com and search for there preserver series.  This fabulous yet expensive water resistant case provides excelent protection against water. If you aren't fond of  cell phone cases try a cell phone skin from liquipel.com  instead. This will provide unrivaled protection against the elements.

8. Always remove your cell phone from your pocket the minute you get home. Just in case you forget the pocket rule, you should make it a habit to always examine your pockets before tossing your dirty clothes in the hamper or washing machine so the mechanical monster won't munch on your cell phone.

9. Make certain that it is well protected from storms or rain. When it rains, always use an umbrella, and never make phone calls. During the rainy season, it might be a good idea to keep your cell phone in either a waterproof bag or case. Make sure to keep it within the covering of your umbrella and keep it covered with your hand if answering a call in the middle of the rain is unavoidable. Another option is to purchase a hands-free headset for making calls, so you don't have to take your phone out of your bag.

10. If you’re exercising with your smartphone, protect it from sweat. The same rule applies if your smartphone’s surface gets wet or damp. Immediately pat or wipe off all surface moisture with a soft dry cloth.

I hope that at least some of these suggestions will be of use to you during your summer sabbatical.
At any rate remember that its always smart to protect your phone.  See you at the pool!

Sources Used:
Metro-Goldwin-Meyer MGM Pictures "Robocop"

July 20, 2014

The Correlation between Physical and Mental Pain: A Chicken and Egg Scenario

Photo Credit: Google Images
Chronic pain and mental health issues have perplexed doctors and aggravated patients for years. Researchers have been continually delving into the possible causes of depression including brain chemistry, genetics, environmental factors, and an imbalance of serotonin ( a neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve impulses). Chronic pain, a persistent discomfort that no doctor has been able to diagnose a cause for, may actually be caused by a glitch in the brain. It appears that inflammation of the immune system chemical messengers called cytokines play an important role in brain function and may cause physiological symptoms. When the brain is aggravated by stresses, infections, trauma, stroke, poisons, or nutritional deficiencies inflammation spurs the release of pro inflammatory cytokines which may affect mood. Cytokines activate an enzyme indoleamine 2, 3 dioxygenase (IDO) which degrades serotonin resulting in low levels of the neurotransmitter. IDO also degrades the precursor to serotonin, tryptophan. Decreased levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin are likely the contributing factor to the development of depressive symptoms. The inflammatory processes contribution to the constant destruction of serotonin decreases the chances of recovery. Some forms of physical and emotional pain are caused by neuro inflammation (inflammation of the brain). When you cut yourself your body produces tons of white blood cells that flood the area, inflaming the site in order to knock out the infection. Once the infection is healed your body collects all the white blood cells and pulls them away from the infection site. However, sometimes the immune response keeps occurring long after the infection is gone. One form of inflammation, an over activity of immune cells in the area called microglia (brain and spinal fluid cells that act as a form of immune defense in the central nervous system) is at the root of unexplained chronic pain and depression. When physical injuries, psychological trauma, bacterial and viral infections as well as environmental toxins stress the central nervous system, microglia respond by omitting chemicals that destroy the invaders. If a person gets bombarded with too many physical injuries or emotional blows microglia can get stuck in the on position, continuing to spit out chemicals well after the trauma that originally caused them to become active has already healed. Research shows that inflammation in other parts of the body can spur microglia activity in the brain. Usually if a patient complains to their doctor of fatigue, depression, and pain the doctor takes x-rays, MRIs, and blood tests. If nothing shows up on the tests the doctors will assume its psychological and send the patient to a psychiatrist, For years doctors and scientists alike have tried to correlate depression with a deficiency of serotonin and related neurotransmitters in the brain. Understanding the connection between depression and inflammation gives researchers and pharmaceutical companies incentive to look for alternate meds and methods to treat depression. There are lifestyle changes you can make to alleviate inflammation and improve mood, such as exercise, stress reduction, taking nutritional supplements, and making healthy diet choices, just to name a few. Chronic stress is one of the major preventable contributors to inflammation and immune dysregulation. The inflammatory response is most likely brought on by a mix of causitory agents. Infection, stress, nutritional deficiencies, and sedentary lifestyles are the leading factors. A unique and personal understanding of inflammation and its contribution to the physiology of mood disorders is critical, but often ignored part of integrative therapies for depression. If you neglect the underlying causes of depression you can't expect to recover. A recent Denmark study found that elevated levels of c- reactive protein in the brain which is produced when the body experiences inflammation might just be associated with an increased risk for psychological distress and depression in the general population. Another study which can be found in the Journal of NeuroInflamation finds that high levels of Quinolinic acid in the spinal fluid are associated with chronic depression and suicide. The c-reactive protein, Quinolinic acid is another by product your body produces in response to inflammation. So what exactly does this mean? Your body becomes inflamed due to a response to something harmful. This inflammation protects you. For example, it protects a wound while it heals. Systemic, long term inflammation is related to a hallmark of chronic conditions like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, and PTSD to name a few. Don’t think that avoiding inflammation can help you dodge depression, but keeping inflammation at a minimal level is always good for your overall health. A Danish study which took place in Copenhagen as part of the Copenhagen general population study, which continually follows many different conditions in about 100,000 people in Denmark. Over there life span as adults the test subjects take surveys about there health, submit to physical exams, and blood work. The inflammation and depression study used 73,367 individuals ranging in age from 20 to 100 years old. The study found that elevated levels of fibrinogen were associated with psychological distress, use of antidepressant medication, and with hospitalization with depression in individuals from the general population, in cross-sectional studies and in prospective studies for hospitalization with depression. So how can an individual recover from this inflammation? There are ways you can fight inflammation in the body. Start by drinking plenty of water, limit trans-fatty acid, eat tons of dark, leafy greens and veggies, exercise regularly, de-stress whenever needed, get plenty of sleep, and eat a balanced diet. The last way to fight inflammation is probably the most important, after all we are what we eat. (healthlink.com) Eat to reduce inflammation by getting plenty of omega 3 fatty acids which can be found in things like olive oil in the form of oleic acid which fights inflammation. Eat plenty of fish, especially those high in omega 3 fatty acids such as snapper, tuna, cod, halibut, and bass. Eat plenty of nuts and fruits. Fill up on garlic which helps reduce swelling. Eat plenty of herbs like basil, chili peppers, oregano, thyme, and turmeric. Enjoy chocolate, but keep it at least 70% cocoa. Green tea works like liquid veggies, staging an anti-inflammatory fight within your body. A Copenhagen study thinks that you have to treat each ongoing assault that switched on the microgloia in the first place. Only then can the bigger issues like chronic pain and depression disappear. According to Wium-Anderson who also took part in the study, it appears that the inflammatory molecules affect some of the transmitter substances and receptors in the brain that determine our state of mind and regulate our mood. Anderson says they cannot prove it conclusively and it could just as well be the other way around, that the depression triggers inflammation. A third possibility could be that there are underlying diseases in the body that trigger inflammation and depression. The underlying cause needs to be determined with further studies. All that can be said with certainty at this point is that there is a correlation between the two conditions. An understanding of the biological cause is a key step towards effective prevention and treatment of the condition.

Work Cited:


July 16, 2014

Alli's Summer Survival Guide

Picture Credit: Google Images
The best way to conquer summer body issues is to really take the time to prepare for summer.  It only takes 3 to 5 weeks to transform your body.  But please don’t think this will be an easy task.  It is going to be hard work while you forage on this difficult journey. With drive and determination you can cross that finish line knowing you look your best in that sexy summer swimsuit. 
The first step on your total body transformation is to take the time to assess your eating habits. If you are someone who often goes for seconds or orders the biggest meal on the menu then you may want to start with portion control.  For some, this may be a very difficult task but know there are tons of tips and tricks to help you along the way.  First, how do you decide what the perfect portion controlled sizes are for you? You can simply use my food guide that compares typical foods like meat, pasta, cheese and fish to everyday objects. It really is that easy to eat healthy.  Let’s start with the summer BBQ staple, meat.  One serving of cooked meat is about 3 ounces which is the equivalent to a bar of soap. One hamburger patty should be about the size of a hockey puck. Next up is pasta.  One ½ cup serving of cooked pasta should be about the size of your fist.  Next time you cook breakfast keep the following rules in mind.  A slice of toast, a waffle, or a pancake can be sized with a CD in its case.  A standard CD case is the right size for a piece of toast and the CD itself is the right size for a pancake or a waffle. Feel like fish for dinner? Pull out your checkbook because one 3 ounce serving of fish is approximately the size of your checkbook. Next time your cooking and you can’t find a teaspoon, use the tip of your thumb.  The tip of your thumb is a good substitute for a teaspoon.  If you want to make a cheese plate for game night, be sure to use your dice.  The size and shape of four dice are the perfect equivalent of a single serving of cheese. Next time you grab an apple, plum, or peach for a quick snack, keep in mind the size of a tennis ball.  Next time you serve veggies remember that a single serving, usually about 1 cup of veggies is proportionate to the size of a baseball. Making a PB & J? One ping pong ball is equivalent to about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. If you have a hard time equating your food with everyday objects there is another option to help you in your fight over portion control.  Many companies are now creating portion control plates so you will never overeat again.  Try the portion control plates at precise portions.
Transforming your body isn’t just about portion control; you need to follow a healthy diet as well.  Follow these diet tips and you will begin to see a change in no time at all. Always remember that the best weight loss strategies are the ones that stand the test of time. Do not fall victim to all the diet fads that come and go as fast as a fleeting fashion trend. These easy strategies are guaranteed to stay in fashion.
Never skip breakfast.  Eating this important meal will help you keep your diet in check and give you the energy you need to tackle your day.
Eat slowly and take small bites.  Next time you are eating desert keep the three bite rule in mind, only have 3 small bites and then put the fork down.
Avoid eating anything late at night.  As a rule of thumb you should stop eating at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Always keep your cravings in check.  If a craving comes from hunger then eating will help but if a craving doesn’t come from hunger, eating will not satisfy it.
Bring your lunch.  A 2012 Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics study found that dieters who eat out for lunch even once a week lose 5 fewer pounds on average.
Eat in the right order.  Eat your greens first.  Because you will naturally eat more of the first item on your plate, be sure to start with veggies.  This will cause you to eat fewer calories since you will fill up on greens first.
Snack often, every 3 to 4 hours so you’ll be satisfied and less likely to say yes to temptations.
Schedule a cheat day.  Reset cravings by allowing yourself to eat them once a week or once a month.
Never shop hungry because you will make poor choices
Cut out soda because it can actually make muscle less likely to burn fat.
Dieting isn’t the only way to look good on the beach.  Follow the tips below next time you are wearing your summer outfit because they will help you to look slimmer and move the focus away from any possible figure flaws.
Sit strategically:
To hide your thighs sit in a lounge chair with your knees bent.
To give your boobs a boost, lay on your side so your boobs slide together creating a perkier look.
Show some skin.  Do not cover up your butt because the material can end up looking like a diaper when it’s loose. To avoid the diaper look, be sure to pull the bottoms in a little bit.
Flex, don’t suck. Flexing creates a flat stomach while aligning your posture.
Another way to assure you look your best this summer is to give your skin a good shave or wax.  All that hair you have neglected grooming over the winter needs to go.  Be sure that your legs, armpits, and bikini area are smooth and hairless. Prep your skin for a gorgeous glow at the beach.  Over the winter months your skin can become pasty and dull so the first thing you’ll need to do is zap away any acne or blemishes with a salicylic acid cream.  Be sure to apply the cream to your back as well as other hard to reach areas. Next, apply a self-tanner.  I like jergins daily glow with SPF.  Be sure to shave and exfoliate your skin before applying any tanning lotions.  Doing this will assure that your skin looks healthier and your tan won’t streak or look spotty. Always moisturize with a retinol to combat fine lines and protect against the harmful aging effects of UV rays. Drink plenty of water and be sure to take a multivitamin. Hydration and nourishment will leave your skin with a healthy appearance.
Treat yourself to a mani-pedi. You will need flawless feet and hands to match your new body. Choose a coral or bright blue shade to add a pop of color to your look. Stick with natural makeup. Never wear thick foundation at the beach, opt for a tinted moisturizer. Plump up your eye lashes with some mascara, wear a lip balm, and be sure to wear an SPF of 30 or higher.
Pamper your hair during the summer by getting a haircut before you spend the day at the beach. Insert in a cute hair band or hair clip to keep the hair off your face and neck at the beach. Be sure to wash all the salt out of your hair after a day at the beach.  Use a moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioner to keep your hair lustrous.
Invest in the perfect bathing suit.  You can choose a style that cinches your tummy, tames your large bust, or tones down your thighs.  Pick a hue that goes well with your complexion and hair color. If you have tan or dark skin, choose a bright colored suit. A black bikini can be worn by all if you are trying to hide any flaws.  A strong pattern will help to disguise flaws as well because it will distract the eye away from any possible flaws. Cover your tummy with a tankini and cover your thighs with a sash like skirt that ties at the waist.  Body shimmer makes your legs appear thinner.  I like Michael Kors leg shine to go.  Confidence is the key to looking great. So keep your head held high and rock that body to really show off what you’ve got and what you worked so hard to achieve. The most important thing to remember while you are out in the sun this summer is to relax and have fun, because that’s what summer is all about.

July 15, 2014

Travel Tuesday: Alli's Guide to the Worlds Best Swimming Holes

In summertime when the mercury teases the top of the thermometer like a whack-a-mole mallet the best place to cool off is a natural swimming hole. Do you plan on spending your summer vacation lounging by the pool?  Why not lay out by a natural swimming hole this year!  This blog locates some of the most incredible a natural pools, all of which are nestled inside a hole in the earth surrounded by rock. 

The Hamilton Pool, Texas

The first pool is located in the wonderful  of State of Texas near the city of Austin.   Aptly named the Hamilton pool, it is nestled in a grotto and fed by a 50 foot waterfall.  If you travel here during the humid months, you should get the chance of viewing the amazing moss covering the magnificent stalactites overhead.  Be sure to call the park ahead of time (512-264-2740) to verify if water levels are prohibiting people from swimming in it.  If you are permitted, please arrive  extra early as space is limited. $10 entry fee required, and please remember to bring comfortable tennis/hiking  shoes.  The trek to the actual pool from the parking area is considerable.

Cyprus Lake Grotto, Ontario Canada
The hike to the Cyprus lake is one of the Bruce Peninsula National Parks favorites.  It offers stunning, clear turquois blue water.

Yucatan Cenotes, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

The Yucatan peninsula in Mexico is home to various cenotes.
A cenote is a hole caused by the natural collapse of limestone bedrock. There are 6-8,000 cenotes located in the Yucatan Peninsula but only 2,400 have ever been discovered.

Tamcach-Ha and Choo-Ha Cenotes

The Tamcach-Ha and Choo-Ha cenotes are located near the coba ruins and are generally I crowded considering how breathtaking their  glass-clear waters are.

The Xcanche Cenote

Another natural pool is called the Xcanche cenote, located near the EK Balam ruins. The 5$ entrance fee into this natural swimming hole includes the use of a number of scattered hammocks available to help you relax and bask in the glory of the Yucatan Peninsula.

The Dzitnip Cenote

The dzitnip cenote is a natural pool located near chichen itza. This pool is filled with black fish below and black bats above creating a spooky yet spectacular cavernous cenote.

The Lk-Kil Cenote

The Lk-Kil cenote aka the sacred blue cenote is an archeological site of chichen itza and the perfect way to cool off after a long day of exploration.

The Dos Ojos Cenote

Lastly, the Dos Ojos cenote was featured in the IMAX movie "Journey into amazing caves."  Local guides are available to lead you through the maze like waters known for extraordinary scuba diving.  There is a restaurant located at the rim of the rim and palapa homes where you can stay overnight.   

Roca Vecchia, Italy

This archeological site is located on the Adriatic coast of Apulia, southern Italy. Just kilometers away from melendugno and close to the city of Lecce.
Be sure to arrive early as the parking lot tends to fill up very quickly. The best preserved monumental architecture of the Bronze Age (2nd Millenium BC) was uncovered there by a team from the University of Salento. They also uncovered the largest set of Mycenaean pottery ever uncovered west of mainland Greece.

Bimmah Sinkhole, Hawiyat Najm Park, Oman

This swimming hole is located between Muscat and Sur off route 17. Keep in mind this natural swimming oasis is not for the timid, the little fish in the pool nibble on your feet while you swim. Also, should you decide to visit the Bimmah Sinkhole, be sure to bring plenty of food and refreshments as there is nothing for sale for miles.

Nanda Blue Hole, South Island, Vanuatu

Located in the volcanically formed South Island, Vanuatu is the Nanda Blue Hole. The hole is 13 miles deep and filled with sapphire blue water, surrounded by lush greenery.  This privately owned hole collects a 5$ entrance fee which is actually a steel considering the amenities included in admission. There is a slide, a rope swing, and even a pool side bar.  This pool is known to be chilly so you may want to pack a wetsuit just in case it's a little too cold for your blood. 

Peekamoose Blue Hole, Sundown NY

In the middle of the catskills forest, Rondout Creek pours through a rock gap creating this swimming hole of wonder.

The Blue Hole, Wimberly TX

Grassy banks offer prestine picnic spots.  Old growth cypress trees speckle the water, casting shade from the sweltering sun.  This hole also offers 2 rope swings for all your splashing needs. 

The Blue Hole, Santa Rosa, New Mexico

Tis hole is located off route 66 in the scuba diving capital of the southwest. This hole is consistently 61 degrees year round.  This spring fed pond is the perfect way to cool off from the hot New Mexico sun.

The Homestead Caldera, Midway, UT

This 10,000 year old geothermal spring offers water that can reach up to 90 degrees.  Scuba divers can explore this only warm weather diving spot in the continental United States.  Historically, visitors had to repel through the 55 foot tall limestone dome.  Now there is a tunnel through the rock wall at ground level for easy access.

Aztec Falls, San Bernadino National Forest, California

No need to travel outside of California for some great swimming hole action.  This swimming hole offers some amazing cliff diving ranging from 5 to 60 feet in height.  To reach the falls it is a half mile hike from the Pacific Crest Trail and just 90 minutes east of Los Angeles.

Sources Used:


All photographs courtesy of Google Images

July 11, 2014

Can Your Emotions Kill You?

Picture Credit: Google Images

At some point in your lifetime I am sure you have experienced your emotions making you sick. Think back on the last time you became overly emotional and try to remember how your body reacted. I bet your pulse changed, or maybe you lost your appetite, or you suddenly had to pee a lot more frequently. Emotions can actually be injurious. There are some emotions in particular that can do the more damage than others. Each of these emotions is connected to a different body part or organ. Just as emotions can cause organ damage, if any of your major organs is weak, you will begin to generate the emotion that is affiliated with the weak organ.

The first of these emotions is anger. Does anger come naturally to you? If so, be sure to keep an eye on your liver. Excessive anger can actually damage the liver. Alcoholics and drug addicts that have damaged there livers are usually very anger people. Sudden bursts of anger can cause a surge of chemicals throughout the body, like adrenaline and noradrenaline. When people become angered the amygdala overreacts. The frontal lobe, which is in charge of reasoning, becomes flooded with blood causing people to lose control. When people become angry they are 3 times more likely to have a stroke and 5 times more likely to have a heart attack for up to 2 hours after the episode. The risk is very low if you are someone who does not anger easily, but people who have episodes of anger often are at a higher risk.

Another injurous emotion is fear. Are you always on edge or do you scare easily? Next time you are afraid try to relax and tell yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of because an excessive amount of fear can be damaging to the kidneys. If you have weak kidneys you may become very timid and nervous.

Stress is an emotion most of us are very familiar with. The emotion of stress goes hand in hand with anxiety. Stress is a major culprit when it comes to health issues. Stress can cause grinding teeth, exhaustion, heart palpitations, nausea, insomnia, lightheadedness, and decreased or increased appetite. When you carry around a burden of stress with you it can lead to chest pain, a weakened immune system, and high blood pressure. Stress can take problems that didn’t seem that bad and make them worse. Allow yourself to relax. You can exercise and eat healthy and be sure to take rests often to combat stress.

The next emotion deals with loss. If you have experienced a loss lately and are going through the grieving process, try not to overdo it as an excess of grief can damage the lungs. Long term conditions of loneliness similar to depression can actually increase your risk of premature death. It is so important to maintain social relationships with friends and family and to continually make an effort to meet new people and add to your list of friends. Older people who are lonely suffer from higher stress levels and an inability to adapt to tough situations because they lack a shoulder to lean on. Loneliness increases cortisol levels, increases blood pressure, and it can affect sleep quality. If you keep yourself isolated or you live in solitude, it has been proven that your immune system will suffer, by weakening. It has been proven that people can manifest lung cancer from grief after a partner has died or after a traumatic experience which caused a great deal of grief.

Another damaging emotion is sympathy. An excess of sympathy can be damaging to the spleen. If your spleen is weak you may become an extremely sympathetic or pensive person.

Shock and trauma are emotions that can be damaging as well. These emotions derive from an unexpected event that causes an individual to lose the ability to cope or react properly. Psychological trauma happens in the brain and is capable of changing the structure of the brain in the frontal cortex. This is where the emotional part of the brain and the survival part of the brain meet. PTSD is a good example of psychological trauma. PTSD causes sleeplessness, eating problems, sexual dysfunction, lethargy,chronic pain, and so much more. Sadness can cause physical damage if there is an excess of it but can you actually suffer from a broken heart? Well a study done by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Mood Disorders Program, Centre for Mountain Health Services, St. Joseph’s Healthcare, McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada says yes. Bereavement doubles your chances of a heart attack or stroke. The pain of losing a loved one can actually affect the health of your heart. Think back to local news stories. There have been several instances where people have had heart attacks after winning the lottery.

Anger, Joy, Sorrow, Fear, and Fright all affect the QI (a vital energy or life force in our bodies) and each of our organs has its own QI. Anger causes the liver QI to run upwards through the liver channel. The liver channel travels up through the body connecting the liver to other major organs and to the skin. Therefore, damage to the liver can affect the eyes, shoulders, back, nails, tendons, and can also cause migraines. If you let a liver problem go untreated it can negatively affect the heart since the liver provides nourishment to it. It can also affect the spleen and the stomach which causes diarrhea and constipation, and lumps and swelling of the breasts can be traced back to a liver problem. Liver damage can occur from both suppressed and expressed anger. Extremes of these emotions can cause damage. It is healthy and normal to express emotions rather than suppress them but extreme suppression can lead to depression in the body and causes stagnation in the liver which leads to stagnation in other parts of the body. The liver rules emotions by circulating QI in the body. If an emotion gets stuck in an organ and the liver can’t shift it, the liver will become blocked. The heart is damaged by all emotions just as the liver is.

Health risks increase when people have no way of expressing their feelings or emotions. A study conducted by Harvard school of public health and the University of Rochester discovered that emotions can increase the risk of death caused by heart disease and cancer. This solidifies some earlier studies that linked anger, anxiety, and depression to the development of heart disease. Controlling your emotions is never an easy task but there are ways to aid you in the process. You can take up meditation, yoga, or Tai Chi which are all great ways to relax the mind and body. Acupuncture and homeopathy can also be used to keep emotions in check. In time you will become a calmer individual and once that happens, your health problems will improve.

Work Cited:



The Art of Coziness

  Its winter, which means the weather outside is frightful but that doesn't mean your home can’t be cozy and delightful. A cozy home s...